Why Is My Fund Transfer Request Not Approved?

The main reasons why a transfer of funds to another trading account or wallet may not be approved even though you have a balance in your trading account are as follows:

[Reasons why funds transfer is not approved]

If the amount of your requested transfer exceeds your free margin, the transfer will be put on hold and will not be approved. Please make sure to request a transfer for an amount equal to or less than your free margin.

[Case Study]

1. Trading account status at the time of fund transfer application:

– Account balance: 100,000 yen
– Open position amount: 60,000 yen
– Funds transfer request amount: 80,000 yen

2. Calculation of Free Margin:

Free margin 40,000 yen = Account balance 100,000 yen – Open position amount 60,000 yen

【in conclusion】

Funds transfer request amount 80,000 yen > Free margin 40,000 yen

In this case, the amount of the funds transfer request exceeds the free margin by 40,000 yen, so the funds transfer will not be approved. Be sure to request a funds transfer within the free margin (40,000 yen or less in this example).