What Should I Do If My Identity Verification Documents Are Not Approved?


Regarding the issue of “blurry or out-of-focus images,” it has been observed that some Android devices may experience difficulty in focusing or image blurring when capturing identification documents. Here are some specific solutions:

  1. Ensure that the camera lens is clean and free of dirt.
  2. Before pressing the shutter, tap on the subject in the screen to focus.
  3. Avoid taking photos in dimly lit areas or places with excessive light reflection.
  4. To avoid focusing on the background, place the subject on a desk or similar surface.
  5. Adjust the distance between the subject and the camera to ensure proper focus.
  6. Adjust the smartphone’s “autofocus” settings.
  7. Turn off the smartphone’s “flash” setting.

Next, let’s discuss issues related to driver’s licenses, My Number cards, passports, and residence cards.

Driver’s License/Driving History Certificate Issues:

  • Name, date of birth, address, driver’s license number, and expiration date are unreadable.
  • Face photo is not clearly visible.
  • Stamp of the Public Safety Commission is not visible.
  • Changes are present on the back, but the Public Safety Commission’s stamp is not visible.

My Number Card Issues:

  • Information on the front, such as name, address, gender, date of birth, issuing authority, and expiration date, is unreadable.
  • Address changes have been made but lack the stamp of the updated municipality.
  • Card is photographed while still in its case.
  • If you have a My Number card, you can use “Touch for Identity Verification.” Please refer to the help page for details.

Passport Issues:

  • Not a passport issued by the Japanese government.
  • Passport issued after February 4, 2020, lacks a holder’s entry section.
  • Name, date of birth, and expiration date are unreadable.
  • Thickness of the passport is not visible.
  • Handwritten addresses are present in more than one location, making the current address unclear.
  • Face photo is not clearly visible due to light reflection.

Residence Card Issues:

  • Information on the front, such as residence status, residence period, permit date, and issuing authority stamp, is unreadable.
  • Address changes have been made but lack the registration date and stamp of the issuer.
  • If the name is in alphabetic characters, ensure that uppercase and lowercase letters match.

Issues with Face Photos:

  • Image is too dark, making it difficult to see the face.
  • Image is blurry, making the face unclear.
  • Photo is taken with a mask or sunglasses on. Note that if glasses are worn, the color of the lenses or the way light falls on them may be mistaken for sunglasses.
  • Mask is pulled down to the chin during the photo.
  • Something is in the mouth (e.g., cigarette, toothbrush).
  • Other people’s faces are in the photo. If third-party faces are included, it may be difficult to identify the person in question.