How to Calculate Order Volume in cTrader Copy Trading

Q1: How is the order volume determined for investors in cTrader copy trading?

A1: The order volume for investors is calculated based on the investor’s investment amount, the strategy provider’s own capital amount, and the strategy provider’s order volume.

The specific formula is as follows:

Investor’s Order Volume =
Investor’s Investment Amount ÷ Strategy Provider’s Own Capital Amount × Strategy Provider’s Order Volume

Q2: What information is needed to calculate the order volume?

A2: To calculate the order volume, the following three pieces of information are required:

  1. Investor’s Investment Amount – The amount allocated by the investor for copy trading.
  2. Strategy Provider’s Own Capital Amount – The total capital amount managed by the strategy provider.
  3. Strategy Provider’s Order Volume – The volume of trades ordered by the strategy provider.

Q3: Can you provide a specific calculation example?

A3: If the strategy provider’s own capital amount is $10,000, the order volume is 1 lot, and the investor’s investment amount is $5,000, the investor’s order volume is calculated as follows:

Investor’s Order Volume =
$5,000 ÷ $10,000 × 1 lot = 0.5 lot

This calculation results in the investor copying half the order volume (since the investment amount is half) of the strategy provider.